The Birth of Practical-Magick: A Journey from Chaos to Clarity
I’m going to come straight out and say it: my life has been intense over the past several years. But then, transformation often is.
Between December 2016 and January 2019, my partner and I lost six loved ones. In the midst of that, we were forced to change homes and chose to move into his family’s ancestral Finnish-style log home. It’s lovely—but also old and in constant need of care and repair.

We’re both self-employed, and when you’re navigating profound loss and upheaval, it’s hard to find the energy to bring in clients. Financial stress followed. And this was all BEFORE 2020 turned the world upside down.
Transforming Comparison Judgment
Like so many women, I often fall into “comparison worthiness,” telling myself I shouldn’t complain because others have it worse. And sure, that’s true. But as a wise friend once posted:
“We can be grateful for what we have AND feel depressed. We can hold compassion for someone in a darker space AND feel anguish in our own space. We can recognize our luck AND cry for five hours at our misfortune. We can feel all the feelings AND be a better human for it.”
But instead of offering myself that grace, I tortured myself with “comparison judgment.” I watched other practitioners “making it” by following the latest guru-approved marketing trend—“Fill Your Retreats,” “Pack the Room,” “Sell Your Beta Course.” I tried them all (well, most). And none of them worked for me. My business barely grew, leaving me feeling like a failure at entrepreneurship.
And it wasn’t just my business. I wasn’t following through on promises to myself. I let go of daily creative practices. I spent less time in the lake, with family, reading, moving my body. It all started slipping away.
The Gift of an Injured Shoulder
Then came the unexpected gift—an injured shoulder, pandemic unemployment, and a financial cushion that gave me permission to pause. To heal. Physically, yes. But also emotionally. Spiritually.
Who knew that a car accident leading to surgery and a long recovery would be the catharsis I needed?
ca·thar·sis /kəˈTHärsəs/
“the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.”
I didn’t. Not at first. I was frustrated. I wasn’t healing as fast as expected. I had to take more time off work than I “should.” My business languished.
And yet… I continued physical therapy. Somatic therapy. Created beautiful spaces in my garden. Swam. Laughed. Cried. Restored my family’s rental cabin. Spent time with my partner. My friends. Myself.
And I hired a marketing coach who let me move at my own, slow pace.
Rooting In and Growing
My goal became simple: root into my business. Really understand what I do. So, I wrote about it. Every single morning. Journaling through frustration, through repetition, through slow, unfolding clarity.
Who is my client? What do I DO? What is my thought leadership? My philosophy? What makes me different? Unique?
What I came to realize was that over those long, stressful years, I had grown.
I’m no longer afraid of the shadows. I can stand with my clients in their darkest moments without feeling the need to rush them back into the light. I can hold duality better. I no longer feel like I have to be perfect, or that my whole life needs to look like an Instagram highlight reel.
I realized that my greatest gift is… me.
My history. My eclectic experiences. My energy. My humor. My way of weaving science and story, physiology and myth, structured tools and sacred mystery. Anyone can teach these things, but no one else can do it quite like I do.
Learning from the Trees
Over time, as the seasons turned and the leaves fell, my business evolved too:
What I DO is hold sacred space for women to fully live their messy, beautifully sacred lives. To be imperfect AND radiant at the same time. To slow down. To ponder. To love. To root into themselves. To make room for mystery. To stop rushing toward an endless finish line.
I offer them a sanctuary where they can be seen, heard, and loved—exactly as they are.
The Birth of Practical-Magick
And who I AM is an Intuitive Soul Guide. A Sacred Depths Practitioner. A Transformational Coach.
I study human physiology, the neurobiology of emotions, the psychobiology of women. But I also immerse myself in myths, archetypes, and mystery. Mother Earth is my second mother. Creative practices—art, writing, movement—are my medicine.
THIS. This is what I do. And what makes it Magick… is me.
I’ve always called what I do “Practical-Magick.”
And so, this new/old business is birthed in darkness, ready to walk with others through both shadow and light.
To Practical-Magick.
Come inside. Explore. Stay awhile.
Much love,
💖 Kristin